Policies and Procedures

Brighstone Parish Council has Standing order as reviewed May 2018  and FINANCIAL REGULATIONS reviewed May 2018, and meetings are conducted in accordance with these.  The Council is signed up to the Code of Conduct  and each Councillor has to agree to abide by this.  These may be accessed by clicking on the relevant document.  New Councillors have to sign the Acceptance of Office form and the Register of Financial and Other Interests form:  these are available to the public on request to the Clerk and on the Contact us page. At each Meeting, Councillors have to sign the Declarations of Interests Book, should an Agenda Item cause him/her to have a personal/prejudicial interest in that item.  All Meetings and Committee Meetings are open to the Public, though exceptionally the Public would be asked to leave, should a matter need to be discussed which, at that particular stage, requires confidentiality.

Grant Applications are considered once a year at the October/November Parish Council meeting. The policy and application form can be downloaded by clicking the titles below:

Grant Awarding Policy and Procedure for Brighstone Parish Council 2024





A timetable of Meetings is drawn up after each Annual Parish Council Meeting, held in May.  The current timetable can be seen in the Meetings section of this website. This includes Cemetery Committee Meetings; Planning Application Meetings and the Annual Parish Meeting. Notices and agendas for all Meetings are issued and displayed one week before each meeting. Agendas and minutes of Meetings are found on the Meetings section of the website, with hard copies available in Brighstone Library and Brook Post Office. Draft Minutes are also available following each Meeting.

Should a casual vacancy occur for a Councillor, notices are displayed together with an advertisement in the IW County Press, inviting at least 10 electors to call for an election. Should this be received, nominations are sought to fill the casual vacancy by election. If no nominations are received, the Parish Council will seek to co-opt by pursuing the following procedure: an advertisement is placed in the Isle of Wight County Press for 2 weeks and applications invited. Following receipt of these, interviews are held.

The Clerk backs up all necessary and important information. Other information is held in files in Filing Cabinets. Brighstone Parish Council is signed up to the Data Protection Act, which is renewed each year.  The Chairman holds a Chairman’s Box which contains vital information applicable to Parish Council business. There is back-up for computerised documents.

The Council is required to assess any risks that it faces, and identified risks are reviewed on a regular basis.

The Parish Council has Byelaws for Brighstone Recreation Ground, updated in 2010.  They may be viewed in the library, or through the Parish Clerk.

The following policies and procedures can be seen by clicking the titles below:

complaints procedure reviewed May 2018

Community Engagement Policy reviewed May 2018

Publication Scheme reviewed May 2018

Training Policy reviewed May 2018

Brighstone Parish Council

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