
Brighstone and the surrounding parishes have a wealth of clubs and organisations, many of which are listed below.  Because of the high turnover of the contact persons for many of them, these are not listed but can be found in the Community Directory which is delivered free to every household and is also available in the village Library.

Blokes, Bacon Butties and Banter.   Meets on the 3rd Wed in the month from 10.00-12.00 in Shorwell Parish Hall.  All welcome.

Brighstone Belles. Ladies Community Choir. Meets on 1st & 3rd Wed in month,  (except Aug) in Methodist Church. 19.15 -21.15. All welcome.

Brighstone Busy Bodies – Dance/Exercise Classes to Music. 0930-1030 Mondays during term time.
Brighstone Tappers -Tap Dancing Improvers 1030 -1130 Mondays during term time
Simply Exercise 9.30-10.30 Thursdays during term time
Brighstone Tappers – Tap Dancing Beginners 10.30-11.30 Thursdays during term time
All classes in Brighstone Scout, Guide and Community Centre

Brighstone and District Horticultural Society.  Organises three shows a year plus subsidised Garden trips.

Brighstone Lawn Tennis Club.  Two courts on Recreation ground. Club Member only session times: Mon, Wed, Thurs 1030-1300. Mixed Sat 1030-1300 Men; Sun. 1100 – 1300. Ladies Summer:- Tues from 1830.  Mixed Fri from 1800 Mixed. At other times open to all on pay & play basis. Coaching available.

Brighstone History Society.  Meets six times a year in the Wilberforce Hall. Guest Speakers on local/island history.

1st Brighstone Sea Scout Group.  Beaver Scouts (5 3/4 – 8 years) Thursdays 17.45 – 1900.  Cub Scouts (8 – 10 1/2 years) Wednesdays 1800 – 19.30. Sea Scouts (10 1/2 – 14 years) Tuesdays 18.45 – 20.30.  Explorer Scouts (14 – 18) Thursdays 19.30 – 21.00.  All groups take boys and girls, all meetings in the Scout and Guide Centre, normally term time only.

Brighstone and Shorwell Rainbows (girls 5 – 7), Mondays 16.15 – 17.30.  All meetings in the Scout and Guide Centre, normally term time only.

Brighstone Social Club.  Social Club in Main Road, including Snooker,  Darts, Billiards, Petanque, Licensed bar. 

Brighstone Village Art Group.  Meets Tues 0930 – 1200 in the Wilberforce Hall.  Some equipment provided.

Brighstone Women’s Institute.  Variety of activities. Guest Speakers.  Cinema visits . Outings. Meetings – 2nd Thurs in month (except Aug).

Brook Table Tennis Group.  Mixed Session: Mondays from 1900.   Also Ladies Session Thursday 1000.  In the Seely Hall, Brook.

Brookstone Model Yacht Group.  Meets at Compton Lake on Military Rd every Tuesday from 1330.  Weekly Fee: £1.00.

Church Bell Ringers.  Bell ringing before services. Train new recruits on Tuesdays at 7pm in St Mary’s Church Brighstone.

Five Bells Art Group.  Meets 1400 – 1600 Tues in the Seely Hall, Brook.

West Wight Model Club.  Meets at 1900 on 2nd Wed in month from Oct – May. 










Brighstone Parish Council

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